Respect The Mountains project Envirotrek aims for each participant to have a fun experience in the outdoors


Respect The Mountains project Envirotrek aims for each participant to have a fun experience in the outdoors

Project Status: Annual Event 2014

One hundred million tourists visit the European Alps each year and each of these tourists leave behind rubbish. The goal of the Envirotrek project is to create a fun, community event at various European mountain locations which brings together stakeholders such as tourists, local business and organizations, government and outdoor companies.

Our Objectives:

  • To provide essential hands-on, cleanup hours by removing waste items from vulnerable mountain environments
  • To use the event as an educational tool for children, young people and adults, to see the amount of waste generated with their own eyes, and empower them to become positive outdoor role models who will look after these natural spaces
  • To provide a space to discuss and network with other like-minded people and strengthen the outdoor conservation movement
  • To provide access to the outdoors with professional guides so that participants can enjoy and experience the outdoors safely through adventure sports
  • Gather positive public and media awareness of our philosophy: Respect the Mountains’ 7 Ways

Envirotrek aims for each participant to have a fun experience in the outdoors. It wants participants to:

  • Witness the amount of waste left behind on the mountains and understand the impact of just two hours of community service
  • Be empowered to become positive ambassadors for the mountains with the practice of no trace visits to mountain areas
  • Experience new outdoor adventure sports
  • To develop new skills
  • To provide an opportunity for self-development through adventure sports
  • To meet like minded people

This project has a direct impact on mountain areas where we n0t only remove excess plastic, cigarette butts, car tires nappies and rusty metals but also promote the area and the need to protect it.

This fun multi stakeholder event also provides an opportunity for local resident to meet other likeminded business owners and local government officials who are passionate about outdoor conservation, want to strengthen community spirit and keep outdoor conservation on the agenda. It is also a positive talking point for press coverage.


Envirotrek is an innovative concept that is in its fifth year of operations. There is no other event that has the same combination of voluntary hands-on cleanup action and opportunity to network over around a delicious BBQ.

It is an opportunity to experience outdoor adventure sports, enjoy the best the mountains offer and innovative, holistic, fun which empowers all.


2009 – 2 events 2010 – 3 events 2011 – 5 events 2012 – 7 events 2013 – 8 events Annually October/November– set the budget for the series next summer December/ January/February – plan the event series

March/April – finalize locations, times and dates and media plans

May – finalize logistic issues for each location

June/July/August – implement Envirotrek


Our Envirotrek manager manages the annual event series with the support of an intern. Each event is managed by a Local Producer who secures the appropriate location, brings together the local stakeholders and plans and produces the event. This is a critical role as the Local Producer knows the location, the local community, and can manage the experience and safety of all stakeholders. Application for each event can be made on locations through local businesses and/or tourism offices, or online via the Respect the Mountains website.

Media is an important part of the Envirotrek Series and Respect the Mountains actively engages participants through social media and its website. There is a photographer at each event and these photos are used in press releases distributed in four languages, through social media and on the Respect the mountains website.
Our current main sponsor, KEEN Footwear, has also used its media network to provide essential media awareness about the event series. The quality of the event is crucial for Envirotrek, and the structure has been set up to improve it each year.

The Envirotrek Manager at each event trains and offers guidance to new local producers and intern each year. Every year we carry out a thorough debrief of each event to implement changes the following year. The Local Producers for each event is the same every year in order to ensure that are the same every year, so each year the event can benefit from lessons learned the previous year.

The Local Producer is the main local contact and organiser of the local event. This is an essential part of the plan as he or she understands local needs better than an external organization. Each Local Producer is selected based on their passion for the project, their network and their commitment to outdoor conservation. As events
mature, more local businesses and communities participate and become involved.

Respect the Mountains is a non-profit association based in the Netherlands.