Ice Climbers: Important logistical information

Addresses of competition venues, visa application details, event registration, accommodation options, are all among the topics covered in the UIAA Ice Climbing event-specific FAQS.

The UIAA has posted factsheets for the following events (please click on the event name):




Information on the remaining events will be available shortly.

Mandatory Anti-Doping Certificate

Dear athletes,

From the beginning of 2016/2017 season onwards, the UIAA launched its anti-doping online education programme for ice climbers and skyrunners.

All athletes competing in UIAA Ice Climbing events must pass the test and obtain a certificate.

Before you start your journey through our course, please take a careful look at the step-by-step guideline here.

To  successfully pass the course and obtain a certificate, applicants need 11 right answers out of 20 questions in total. If you do not succeed the first time, you will have other chance(s) to complete the course.

The link to the anti-doping online education is here