The UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – is delighted to confirm that the Women Going to Altitude conference to be held in Pontresina, Switzerland on Saturday 10 September will now be livestreamed on the UIAA YouTube channel (13:00 – 19:15 CEST).

The event is organised in collaboration with the Swiss Alpine Club, Swiss SportClinicSGGM (Swiss Society for Mountain Medicine) and the ISMM (International Society for Mountain Medicine).

Topics will include women and altitude sickness – namely AMS, HAPE and HACE  – psychology, pregnancy and contraception. Details on the programme and the internationally-renowned expert speakers can be found here.

While the livestream will be offered free (and available as a replay), the UIAA is asking anyone attending virtually to consider making a contribution to the UIAA’s fundraising page. This is in lieu of the UIAA charging a registration fee to those watching online.

Donations can be made to general UIAA causes or specifically to support the production of more UIAA medical advice videos. Recently the Medical Commission published important advice videos on drinking safe water in the mountains and on altitude sickness. These videos play a crucial role in providing mountain users, from beginner to experienced, with potentially life-saving advice.

Donate here.