Members invited to support improvement of mountain worker welfare

In February 2021, the UIAA launched the Mountain Worker Initiative (MWI), guided by its Mountaineering Commission, to promote ethical trekking and mountaineering practices worldwide with a focus on the lives of mountain workers. The idea to form this initiative is inspired by the agency behind The Porter: The Untold Story at Everest. In March 2021, a dedicated webinar was held to kick-off this new project. Details on the background of the initiative and its mission are provided below. In December 2021, the UIAA reported on the progress of the project. The UIAA is now inviting member associations to directly support the initiative.

After months of work, the UIAA has published the world’s first ever question-format guidelines for ethically operating trekking and mountaineering companies. With these and other resources in hand, the MWI hopes to collaborate with as many countries as possible to establish national-specific guidelines around the world; its hope being to publicise and spread the proper treatment of mountain workers.

Member Association Involvement
If any UIAA member association  would like to aid the creation of national-specific guidelines in its country/region, the MWI would welcome collaboration. All finalised guidelines will be published by the MWI and shared internationally.

If you would like to follow up or learn more about the initiative, please contact Nathaniel Menninger.

To support the project with a donation with all funds received going to mountain worker projects supported by the MWI, please use the option on the following website page.

Main photo: Mountain workers, credit: Steve Long


Mountain Worker Initiative website page
General outline of principle questions and checklists