The UIAA Management Committee held its latest meeting on Saturday 27 August. The online meeting followed April’s in-person meeting in Skopje, North Macedonia.

The main points addressed at the MC meeting were:

  • Decision to dissolve the UIAA Ice Climbing Commission and put in place an interim governance solution for the immediate future. Plans for the 2022-2023 UIAA Ice Climbing World Tour remain on track. Please refer to the official statement here.
  • Approval of the recommended budget for 2023 (for General Assembly voting on 29 October in Banff, Canada).
  • Approval of task descriptions for three UIAA Commissions: Youth and the newly-formed Legal Affairs and Training commissions.
    • Klara Dvorakova (Czech Republic, CMLA) was elected as President of the Legal Affairs Commission and Steve Long (UK, BMC) as President of the Training Commission
  • Confirmation that the updated UIAA Alpine Summer Skills handbook in English will be released at the UIAA General Assembly.
  • The MC agreed to approve to the General Assembly two new member associations for active UIAA membership. These are, Ecuador: Federacion Ecuatoriana de Andinismo y Escalada FEDANE, NPO and Peru: Federación Deportiva Peruana de Escalada. Additional applications are currently being assessed.

Climate Change:

  • Agreement for the UIAA to sign the UNFCCC Sports for Climate Action Declaration Commitment Letter. See here.
  • Update from the recently launched UIAA Climate Change Taskforce including member association feedback on the role of the UIAA. The objectives will form a major part of discussions at the GA. Membership feedback included a desire for the following:
    • Provision of information about climate change
    • Sharing of best practices
    • Raising more awareness worldwide
    • Provision of network for exchange
    • Education about specific implementation methods
    • Coordination of a joint approach
    • Encouraging federations to more commitment
    • Support for federations who are not in position to do it alone
    • Funding of projects

The next MC meeting will take place on 28 October in Banff, Canada. The spring 2023 meeting will be held in Leeds, England on 5 May. An online meeting will be held between these two meetings on 11 February.

Photo credit: Stock Library