RTM18: Focolaccia Pass, Italy. English translation

The Italian UIAA Respect  the Mountains event of 2018 will take place in Tuscany, on the Apuan Alps. CAI-Italian Alpine Club contact person: Luca Tommasi.

Event Timing: 08.07.2018 starting from 09:30

Event Location: Focolaccia Pass (MS)

Meeting point: hut Guido Donegani parking, Località Orto di Donna – 55034 Minucciano (Lucca)

Contact: Mr. Luca Tommasi  tommasiacustica@gmail.com  Tel: +39 347 6483265

The clean-up hike will reach the Focolaccia Pass (1650 ,) and the hut Aronte.

Difficulty of the hike: EE  – 4 hours

Afternoon activity: Music on the Apuan Alps

We will meet at the hut/Rifugio Donegani, in the Serenaia valley – municipality of Minucciano. The location can be reached by car from Garfagnana and Lunigiana area (highway exit: Autocisa di Aulla).

From the Rifugio Donegani the group will walk to the Giovo mouth (1500 m.), a beautiful passage between Vinca and Serenaia valleys. The original hiking path has been destroyed by the marble mining and the CAI representatives of the local section will explain what happened. The new hiking path has been made thanks to the Pisa section of the CAI in memory of their member Maurizio Scheggi.

Passed the Giovo river mouth, the track will be the number 179, which  leads to the highest part of the Serenaia valley and runs along the Garnerone peak, the Orto di Donna and the Grondilice mount. Before reaching the Focolaccia pass the group will pass the K2 bivouac and the Cardeto mouth and then walk down to the Buca della Neve along the Cavallo mount slopes.

Around 4 pm starts the concert of the summer programme Music on the Apuan Alps.