Sharing cultures and traditions with Nepalese local community


Sharing cultures and traditions with Nepalese local community

Project Status: 2014-15

Mountain Delights offers a unique opportunity for comfortable cultural immersion. Our organisation works with the whole village – providing economic stability for all families by using local produce, accommodation and guides. 

Trekkers have the opportunity to visit and spend time in a local village and be immersed in local culture and activities. Clients can participate in every-day activities within the village area therefore learning more about the area that they travel in; lessen their environmental footprint by using locally produced food and amenities; local guides provide an insight into their own community – traditions, culture and economy; spending time in a local village environment takes clients off-the-beaten-track and provides a more personal travel experience.   

For every dollar spent in the village, Mountain Delights donates an equal amount to the local community fund. This community fund is managed by the community to provide community resources as they see fit e.g. Education facilities, health requirements, roads, improved water and so on. Therefore community tours/treks offer a sustainable economic future for the village and its community.

  • To provide economic stability for local community by using local products, accommodation and guides.
  • Trekkers can share activities, traditions with local community
  • To fund education, health facilities in Nepal.

The company provides a percentage of the profit into the non-profit organization – Tukee Nepal Society – which reinvests into the local community of Jyamrung. As well as introducing clients to this area (and possible return clients and volunteers) – they are able to improve resources, education and medical facilities and training; water and sanitation facilities; a micro-hydro power station which can provide ongoing economic and environment results for the community. Employment opportunities are also provided for local guides, accommodation, local businesses and farmers.

Introducing clients to this village community can provide clients and community members an opportunity to experience a unique cross-culture exchange; clients return to volunteer their skills within the community; visiting “other” areas of Nepal takes the pressure off the “popular” tourist treks; as tourism increases annually in Nepal this company provides an opportunity to “tailor” trips that suit the changing demands of today’s clients – clients want to be more involved in the country that they travel to.


The majority of Mountain Delights Trek staff is sourced from local communities that they trek in, therefore are able to take advantage of local knowledge. Staff is provided year round employment to maintain a high standard of staff. During off-season they undertake training of their staff in all areas from cultural differences; environmental issues; review and act on client’s feedback; continual maintenance and updating of equipment and staff’s skills. Also continually looking at less-developed areas to work in that will offer the clients a unique experience and provide much needed income for that local community. There is a co-operation with local Village Development Committee management prior to bringing clients into their area.


Through their non-profit organization – Tukee Nepal Society – they offer a range of volunteer experiences – education, medical, sanitation, etc. Clients that undertake these treks which allow them to spend time in local villages are looking for something more than the usual tourist treks. Through the website volunteer opportunities that are available are promoted. Specific volunteer treks e.g. medical trekking and environment/cleaning treks, are also created and organized. These specific programs offer clients the opportunity to use their specific skills and interests to give back to the communities that they travel through in a short time span. Longer term volunteer positions are also available.


Ram p. Sapkota Mountain Delights Treks