Support and solidarity from UIAA laboratory in China

A Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment has recently been produced by the Zhejiang University School of Medicine based on clinical experience from the first affiliated hospital in China.

In an act of solidarity, the document has been shared with the UIAA by the team at the UIAA’s accredited testing laboratory in Jiangsu. The lab was one of the first in Asia to qualify to test equipment against UIAA Safety Standards. As well as raising awareness about the publication of this Handbook, the laboratory has also offered to donate 10,000 masks to the UIAA. The UIAA Office is currently liaising with its Medical Commission on how to proceed with this offer.

“We have witnessed the devastating impact of the virus on the economy as well as people’s health,” explains Mike Qian, CEO of the Jiangsu ZhongZheng Testing Co. Ltd. “We’ve also seen the solidarity and humanity when people join hands to overcome the difficulties. So, we have reasons to believe that with a joint effort we can come through the challenge.”

“We are concerned about the pandemic situation in Europe,” continues Qian. “It is known that the life in China has started to return to normal after several months of hard work and effort as the epicenter of the COVID-19, but unfortunately, Europe is now suffering from the same situation we have been through over the past three months. So, despite being thousands of miles apart from Europe, we can understand your emotions and challenges and are thinking of everyone involved.”

The UIAA thanks Mike Qian and his team for their support and act of kindness. An update regarding the mask donation will be provided in due course.

About the Handbook

The Handbook is primarily intended for hospitals and medical staff. UIAA member associations are encouraged to share it with partner medical organisations and facilities in their countries. Download the Handbook here.