Key Documents

UIAA Global Youth Summit Handbook (coming soon)

UIAA Event Organisers Programme Checklist (coming soon)

Uniting young climbers
across the world

The UIAA is committed to youth participation and its associated values. Through the work of the UIAA Youth Commission and its Global Youth Summit events, the UIAA promotes climbing and mountaineering activities which provide young people around the world with the opportunity to experience adventure and develop socially and educationally. Using the link below UIAA members and partners can add their events to the UIAA’s international calendar.


UIAA International Youth Event Calendar

The calendar below provides details of UIAA Global Youth Series Events as well as events organised by UIAA member associations and partners.

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Global Youth Summit

Joining An Event

The Global Youth Summit is a series of UIAA youth events where young climbers and mountaineers from around the world come together to climb, promote peace and cooperation between countries and gain a greater appreciation for the mountain environment. The events are open to all youngsters. To participate at an event, please follow the registration instructions on the individual event pages.


27 August – 3 September International Youth Mountaineering Camp, Făgăraş Mountains, Romania Programme & Register

16-29 July Summer Alpine Meet, Soelden, Innsbruck, Austria
Programme & Register

24-31 July International Youth Mountaineering Camp, Bușteni, Carpathians, Romania Programme & Register

10-15 July Mountain Youth Camp, Spilia, Cyprus Details

8-13 July International Youth Climbing Camp, Ariege, France Programme & Register

19-25 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp, Guillestre, France Report


18-23 July International Youth Camp, Cyprus Report

7-12 July International Youth Climbing Camp, Ariege, France Report

20-26 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp, Guillestre, France: Programme & Register


6-11 July International Youth Climbing Camp, Ariege, France: Report

14-20 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp, Guillestre, France: Report

2020 Events

The following international events were held in 2020:

9-15 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp, Guillestre, France: Report/Photos

2019 Events

The following international events were held in 2019:

11-17 August Sandstone International Climbing Youth Camp, Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic. Details & Register

23-30 July Mountaineering Camp, Mount Kazbek, Georgia. Details

20 July – 1 August 2019 Damavand Alan-Kuh Summer Camp, Iran. Details

6-11 July Youth Climbing Camp, Ariege, France Details

29 May – 1 June Discover Bouldering:  7th edition of the Camp4 Bleau in the French Fontainebleau Forest: Details Register/Programme

24 February – 2 March International Youth Ice Climbing Camp, Guillestre, France: DetailsRegister/ProgrammeReport

2018 Events

The following international events were held in 2018:

24-31 August International Mountain Festival, Demir Kapija, FYR Macedonia

23-30 July International Mountaineering School, Mount Kazbek, Georgia

7-12 July International Youth Camp, Ariege, FranceReview

June 4th Iran Summer Youth Expedition

18-21 May Discover bouldering in Fontainebleau

18-24 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp, Guillestre, France Report; Photos

2017 Events
2016 Events

The 2016 series witnessed nine events take place in six countries. Reports from the events are available below (where linked):

6-10 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp. Valle Varaita, Cuneo, Italy

21-27 February International Youth Ice Climbing Camp. Guillestre, France

4-7 May International Young Climbers Meeting. Fontainebleau, France

25-30 June International Youth Rock Climbing Camp. Arco, Trento, Italy

2-8 July Youth Climbing Camp. Tarragona, Spain

5-10 July International Youth Climbing Camp. Ariege, France

25 July – 1 August Mountaineering School. Mount Kazbek, Georgia

14-20 August International Youth Camp. Ovčar-Kablar Gorge, Serbia

23-30 August Youth Summer Camp. Mount Sabalan, Iran

How To Organise An Event

Events are organised in collaboration with UIAA member federations, and on occasions with other bodies. The UIAA does not set specific restrictions for the events in terms of as age limits and range of activities. However, organizers of Youth Commission events must follow the UIAA’s criteria and recommendations. The events are international and should be open to youth from other countries, giving young people the opportunity to form friendships across borders.

The UIAA encourages organisers to include certain themes and aims in the event programme, such as crag development, explaining local ethics and traditions, improving individual performance, environmental awareness and climbing for peace.

The events can take place at any time of the year. They can also be organized around key dates such as the United Nations World Environment Day (5 June) or the United Nations International Mountain Day (11 December).

Organisers are responsible for the safety and practical arrangements of the event. Experts from the UIAA Youth Commission are on hand to provide advice on best practices.

The following steps provide details on how to organize a UIAA Global Youth Series event.

Who can organise and apply for UIAA Global Youth Summit events?
  • UIAA Member Federations.
  • A UIAA Member Federation may support another country who has not yet developed a climbing and mountaineering federation or is not yet a UIAA member by providing guidance or leaders to run an event. This outreach work is followed up by guidance on UIAA membership and only if supported by a UIAA member Federation and the UIAA Youth Commission.
  • The UIAA Office, the UIAA Youth Commission and partners.
  • Others bodies under approved circumstances.

All UIAA Global Youth Summit events must be organised and undertaken in strict accordance with the relevant federation’s regulations and UIAA Youth Commission Handbook & UIAA Youth Commission criteria and recommendations governing such events.

Once approved the National Federation or ‘Event Organiser’ and their designated leaders assume responsibility for the event.

The UIAA Youth Commission and UIAA Office may on occasions appoint other responsible persons such as trainers, event organisers and partners.

Please note: For any ARISF funding of your programme or from the UIAA Youth Commission budget your application and programme must be received in the previous year to when the event is being held.

Steps to apply to organise a UIAA Global Youth Summit event

1. Read the UIAA Global Youth Summit handbook (coming soon)
2. Read the UIAA Event organisers programme checklist (coming soon)
3. Design your programme and submit your application form. We are happy to offer advice on the kinds of events which prove successful.
4. Consult with the GYS Coordinator on feedback for your programme and any other issues.
5. If your application is successful, the event will be promoted by the UIAA and become part of the UIAA Global Youth Summit series for that year.

UIAA Youth Commission

The UIAA Youth Commission promotes climbing and mountaineering as activities which give young people around the world an opportunity to experience adventure and develop socially and educationally. Today’s children are the future of our sport and must be a priority.

The Commission assists member federations in establishing youth programmes and supporting existing ones. It helps with the training and developing of youth leaders by organising international seminars and training courses. It produces guidelines which member federations can use to develop their own courses. The Youth Commission functions as a forum for the exchange of information on good practices, ideas and experience regarding youth and mountaineering.

Youth Commission Membership

As confirmed by the Management Committee – (October 2022)


Pavlos GEORGIADES, Cyprus (CMCOF), President

Mircea IGNAT, Romania (CAR), Vice President

Dainius BABILAS, Lithuania (LMA)

Barbara BAJCER, Slovenia (PZS)

Christian BIARD, France (FFCAM)

Jane CARNEY, Ireland (MI)

Bhaskar DAS, India (IMF)

Irena DIKOV, North Macedonia (FPSM)

David EVANS, United Kingdom (BMC)


Mrika NIKCI, Kosovo (KMAF)

Batsaikhan OCHIRBAT, Mongolia (MNCF)

Vladimir TRPOVSKI, North Macedonia (FPSM)

Corresponding Members

Cristina CUCU, Romania (CAR)

Anthony KWOK, Hong Kong (CHCMCU)


Gary VAN VUUREN, South Africa (MCSA)



The Association of Recognised IOC International Sports Federations (ARISF) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-discriminatory organisation constituted through and recognised by the International Olympic Committee.

ARISF is one of the pillars to the Olympic Movement, with all of its 32 Me principles set forth in the Olympic Charter. Through ARISF, the Member IFs maintain an ongoing dialogue with the IOC and the entire Olympic Movement on matters of common interest.

The UIAA Youth Commission works closely with ARISF, submitting 4-year development plans and has received external funding for youth training since 2000.

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