2018 International Youth Ice Climbing Camp in Guillestre, Hautes Alpes

Registration is now open for the first youth ice climbing camp in 2018.

The main goal of this youth ice climbing camp is to learn practicing many forms of ice climbing, one pitch, or routes with many pitches.

18- 24 February 2018

In Guillestre, near Briançon in south alp of france (region Rhones Alpes, departement 05, “Hautes Alpes). This is the same location of the international Ice Climbing event of L’argentière la bessée.

All the ice climbing sites are described on the internet site: http://www.ice-fall.com

We will be in the Youth gite, called “Auberge des 4 vents”

Association Entre Guil et Mets, Adeline +334 92 50 54 11 / +337 85 34 63 79
E: entreguiletmets@hotmail.com

Rooms for four people, breakfast and dinner are provided by the gite and are included in price.

All the staff are qualified to supervise this event; instructorsin Alpinism.

Young people from 16 to 26 years old. Participants should lead climb at a minimum of 5b French grade, and should be autonomous for managing belay. We will be offering places to maximum of four participants per country Federation.

Participants younger than 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult Climber/coach, who is able to look after them during this meet.

Climbing harness, winter alpinism shoes with ice crampons, climbing helmet, belay device and 05 quick draws (UIAA standard/CEN), 2 ice axes (could be rented by staff), one avalanche detector device (could be rented from staff), 05 ice screws, sun glasses & cream, sleeping bag, head torch, winter climbing clothing and toiletry kit, water bottle, any personal medication. 

Participants should be insured for accident, rescue, third party liability and travel which is valid for participating in the programme of climbing and trekking. A copy of each insurance should be presented to the organisers on arrival.

Entry visas:
If your representatives need to obtain entry visa, please confirm their names and passport numbers to the contact emails as soon as possible as Visa processing is a very lengthy process.

240 EUR per participant, payable on arrival to the organiser. Accommodation, full board, leading and organisational costs included (except picnic of midday.

Registration deadline:
31 January 2018
Please note that even if demands of registration are before this deadline, it is not a guaranty of participation. The camp could be full before this deadline.

Meeting point:
– Gite (there is a train between Briançon and Gap, with a stop at Montdauphin and then a shuttle to Guillestre.
– Or Blagnac Airport (Toulouse) on Saturday, February the 04 (then travelling the 05 th in minibus whith French young participants from Toulouse).


for Additional information and registration contact: christian.biard@orange.fr

Member of the National Commissions of Youth and Mountaineering of FFCAM
Member of the Pyrenees Regional Committee
Head of Mountaineering and Youth sections at CAF-Toulouse

The main goal of this youth climbing camp is to practice many forms of ice climbing, one single pitch, or routes with many pitches; all the ice climbing sites are described on this link: http://www.ice-fall.com/

There is also during the camp a training with a guide for future Ice Instructors FFCAM; during this training camp, we wil explain:

  •  the use of different sort of equipment (ice screw, crampons, ice axe,
  •  the way to climb on ice safely and to make a safe belay
  •  to see the ice and its quality,
  •  a first approch how to climb in “dry tooling”
  • and also how to manage a school Ice training for inexperienced climbers.

Images from previous camps:

2017  https://goo.gl/photos/PYwc9rgKVvQhD9gH7
2016 https://goo.gl/photos/6TVTtQfshAJqnsb5A
2015 https://goo.gl/photos/RYefFhTLxKdGpEsH6
2014 https://goo.gl/photos/mue9fSnLkrvT4iU59
2013 https://goo.gl/photos/kkF7vm3jat1eAxs68
2012 https://goo.gl/photos/gnFBD2tSnMYgmFgJ8


Sunday, end of afternoon, 18 February 2018:
– Arrival at approx. 18:00 of the participants coming from toulouse at the gite.
– Pick up foreign participants from Montdauphin station.
– Installation in rooms.
– Provision of missing materials.

Other days:
07:00, breakfast, then splitting in different groups according climber’s current level of ice climbing on different sites.

Last day:
Saturday, 24 February 2018, about 13:00: end of the camp (come back to Toulouse about 20:00 for people from Toulouse).

Register and Full Programme:
Please complete and email back the form to: Christian.biard@orange.fr
Download the full programme.

About UIAA Global Youth Summit events:
These events are a great opportunity to meet a varied group of young climbers from home and abroad, and make new friends, as well as exchange climbing techniques.

Further details about UIAA Youth Events.

All images courtesy of Christian Biard