3rd Iran Climbing International Summer Camp

Application is now open for the UIAA Global Youth Summit (GYS) event taking place on Mount Damavand (5671m) and Mount Alam kuh (4848m), Iran from 7-19 July.

Introduction and philosophy:

As a result of the collaboration between the UIAA and the I.R Iran Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Federation (IMSCF), this is the third time the Summer Climbing Camp has been held in Iran as part of the GYS. The first camp was held successfully on Damavand in 2015 and a second camp, based on a technical climb on Sabalan, in 2016. Last year the event welcomed 22 participants from seven different Asian and Europian countries, including members of the Afghanistan Climbing and Mountaineering federation (a UIAA member since 2016), participants from Island, India and Turkey; together with 94 Iranian climbers including members of Youth National Team.

The youth camp was held in Iran to along these purposes:

  • To provide the opportunity for young climbers to become familiar with Iran’s natural and social environment.
  • To explore the country of Iran and its mountains.
  • To share cultural differences and experience cultural and social exchange.
  • To teach ice and snow techniques with experienced instructors.
  • To create significant communication lines between local youth climbers and foreign climbers.
  • To obtain international status within the UIAA and among related commissions.

Damavand 5671m:
High, magnificent adventure spot, sub active volcano

Mt. Damavand is highest peak of Iran and the most prominent feature of Iran looming majestically near the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, also highest point in Middle East.

The highest volcano of the Asia is well-known for its volcanic crater and very unique wild flowers named as Mountain Tulip (Tulipa Montana), visible during the month of June.

Polour Camp: Polour is one of the cities near Damavand, located 80kms away from Tehran. The Iran Mountaineering Federation has an equipped shelter in this area. Comfortable rooms, no sleeping bag required, extra water bottle needed.

Mosque, Camp 1, Goosfand Sara (3040 m): You will be transferred from Polour to the mosque by 4*4 Jeeps. Your trekking will start there and you will spend maximum five hours to get to the Camp3, Bargah Sevom.

Bargah Sevom, Camp 3: This hut is last campsite of the Damavand Southern route. There is space for sleeping but tent spots around the hut are highly recommended due to the significant crowds in summer time. Opportunity for light warm meal and some snacks, also bottled water to buy in the market. Toilets are outside.

Alam kuh 4848m:
This very beautiful and rocky mountain is located in North of Iran, Kelardast district and lies across the Alborz range. Lots of peaks surround the main Alam-Kuh summit which is the second highest mountain of Iran.

The glaciers and routes with different difficulties make this mountain a very unique spot for technical training.

Hesarchal area, a huge flat ground where we set our camp is very colorful and green with majestic scenery during the summer time.

Technical equipment which participants are expected to bring along for training courses:

Multipurpose Climbing Boots
Tape sling
Locking carabiners (two)
Waterproof gloves
Mountaineering axe

General equipment  which participants are expected to being along:

Trekking boots
Sleeping bag
Thermal suit
Windproof gear
Light Down jacket
Snow goggles/glasses
Socks (2 pairs min)
Woolen gloves
Woolen cap
Carry mat
Water bottle
Walking sticks

Information & Registration:
The full programme can be downloaded here.

To register please complete the following form.

Contact details:
Mr Mahmoud Hashemi
I.R Iran Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Federation (IMSCF)

For full details on the 2017 Global Youth Series please visit the dedicated page.