Open Russian mountaineering championship 2008

From 11 July – 30 July 2008 the Russian Mountaineering Federation (RMF), together with the Russian outdoors company RedFox, will organise a big festival of mountaineering and extreme sports. Leading athletes of rock-climbing, mountaineering, base-jumping and hill running will take part in the festival, which will be located in the gorge of Uzunkol, in the Caucasus. The biggest event of the Festival will be the Open Russian mountaineering championship, including an Open Women Team’s Cup.

Women’s Cup

For the first time, the RMF will organise an Open Women’s Cup, and female climbers from all over the world are invited to take part. The athletes will compete on the most popular peaks of the  Western Caucasus:  Dalar, Dolomite and Kirpitch (Brick). The programme will include routes of different difficulty grades – from routes D- (3 Russian Grade) up to routes of the most complex level ED (6 Russian Grade). Each team can choose routes appropriate for their technical and physical level.

The main goal of the Women’s Cup is for women climbers of different countries to exchange experiences, and to boost the popularity of women’s mountaineering in Russia.

The Cup will be divided into two stages  – as in the classical scheme of the Russian national mountaineering competitions. The first stage will be a qualification round (or so-called “School”), which will be easily accessible to spectators.. All athletes of each team must take part, competing in speed and technique while rock-climbing a short multi pitch route (3-4 pitches) In the second stage the teams will climb peaks.

Each team shall consist of 2-3 athletes, and one person as a team representative. All female climbers are invited! Athletes are free to invite photographers and journalists. The organisers will make preparations so that they can take magnificent pictures for your sponsors from one of the most beautiful gorges of the Caucasian mountains.

Please apply before the 30th April 2008 (No application fee) or contact organisers for more information 

The Women’s Cup Programme

July, 11: Mountaineering Camp “Uzunkol”. Registration.

July 12,12.00: The opening of the Festival.

July 13-14, 09.00 – 19.00:  The “School”

July 14:,19-30 – 20-00: School results

July 15: Trek to the bottom of the routes, preparation for the climbing.

July 16: The climbing begins

July 28, 15.00: The second stage of the Cup will close.

July 29, 12.00: The official ceremony, where the winners and awards of the Women’s Cup will be announced. Closing of the Festival.

Men’s championship 

The organisers invite athletes from Russia, the CIS, the European countries and the Americas.
Each team can have 2-4 members and a leader. The ascent routes will be 5B/TD+ and 6А/ED on the most popular peaks of the district of Dalar and Brick.

Athletes are free to invite photographers and the organsiers will make preparations so that they can take magnificent pictures for your sponsors. Please register before the 30th April 2008

Men’s programme 

July 11: Arrival and registration at the base of Uzunkol

July 12: Inauguration of the Festival.

July 14-15: Competitions in the disciplines of  speed and technique with a short multi pitch route (3-4 pitches). Competition area will be easily accessible to spectators.

July 15-28:  Ascents of peaks.

On July 29: Official award ceremony