Review: International Youth Rock Climbing Camp, Arco (Italy)

Participants at the UIAA International Youth Rock Climbing Camp in Arco
The UIAA Global Youth Series welcomes climbers and mountaineers from around the world to come together to embrace their love for the sport and outdoor life, to make friends, develop their core skills and appreciate the environment. Events are organised in conjunction with expert and qualified coaches. The 2016 season has comprised nine events in six countries.

From 25-30 June, in Arco, Trento (Italy), a rock climbing camp was organized for 20 participants, 13 Italians and seven foreigners.


Below is a review of the week’s activities:

Saturday, 25 June: Participants arrival at the camping in the afternoon. Evening time dedicated to get acquainted, meet the instructors, present the event program.

All the participants received the event t-shirt. Dinner was prepared by the Arco Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) section members.

Sunday, 26 June: Full day of climbing activities at the Arco Rock Master artificial walls. The participants were divided in small groups to train on “Via Ferrata”, balance and movement on the wall, essential knots for safety and proper execution, bouldering, climbing vertical and overhanging walls.

In the late afternoon the group visited the Arco Castle. After dinner they spent some time watching a historical climbing movie.

Monday, 27 June: The group climbed the “Colodri Via Ferrata” to reach to the “Schiena dell’Asino” rock walls. The participants were divided in small groups of two plus one instructor: climbing activity for all day, changing different routes.

Tuesday, 28 June: Transfer to “Regina del Lago” rock walls. Climbing on many different routes, with difficulty level from 5a to 6c. A wonderful view of the Garda Lake was reward at the top of the walls. Afternoon visit to the old first world war fortress.

Wednesday, 29 June:  Morning at the “Family” rock climbing wall; instructor lessons on how to equip a rappelling. Afternoon fully dedicated to climbing on the wonderful “Policromuro Massone ” rock walls: a magnificent area with 89 different routes with difficulty level from 5a to 8a.

It was a great experience. Boys and girls enjoyed it very much. After dinner, night walk to the old “oolite caves”: a farewell party was held in front of big fire and songs in the cave.

Thursday, 30 June: Transfer by bus to Trento to visit the “Muse”, the interesting and modern Natural Science Museum of the town. In the early afternoon participants departure to return home.

Considerations: This rock climbing event proved a big success – all the participants climbed different walls each day and increased their climbing level and knowledge of the sport. Most importantly they made new friends and had fun.

Report by Rosella Chinellato,
UIAA – Youth Commission