The 2013 Global Youth Summit a huge, diverse success

One of the most diverse series of Global Youth Summit events ever held under the supervision of the UIAA Youth Commission ended last month with a new event, a rock climbing festival in Terelj, Mongolia, organized by the Mongolian National Mountaineering Federation.

“We covered wide geography and we organized winter and summer actions in various disciplines: ice-climbing, rock-climbing, mountaineering,” said UIAA Youth Commission president Israfil Ashurly.  “There were camps, schools, seminars, expeditions and festivals in different places and countries.”

Events took place in France, Italy, Russia, Greece, FYROM, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia.

The program included two ice-climbing and one trad climbing events in France, an expedition for 23 young mountaineers to Lenin peak in Pamir and a route setting course for beginners.


“There were all important events but I’d like to emphasize the success of the rock-climbing festival in Mongolia,” said Ashurly about the newest addition to the Global Youth Summit program.

Another highlight was the Europe & Asia festival organized by Vitaly Primerov which included climbing activities on rocks in Russia and successful ascents on mountains in the FYROM and Greece.

“On behalf of Youth Commission I express my gratitude to mountaineering federations of Russia, Greece and FYROM for their support,” said Ashurly. “I hope that the number of climbers will steadily grow in near future.”

The Global Youth Summit is the name for UIAA supervised youth events which promote peace and cooperation between countries and protection of the environment.


Ashurly said he was pleased that the cooperation between ARISF (Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations), the Youth Commission and local organizers produced good results.

For photographs from some of the events, please check out the photo album on the Global Youth Summit website page.